notes and stumbles: triangular skill costs do the clothes provided count towards your bag's inventory space? petty pickaxe? I'll add scavenging and fishing as a skill is it 1 set of rations per dive? critical ranges in charatcer creation fleeing Would you two like to exert yourselves to get out of the trees faster? ascention takes time? multiplay relic values by 10 I'm not copying the abyss' layout exactly, as flexibility is good. combat skills for using the knife or the pick an exert for hard tasks (feeling/running through trees) scavenging for food and other supplies that could be sold i dunno how rations work - i assume that ive used them all after the one dive --- Jesus name : rafael age : 12 gender : male health : 9 stamina : 8 humanity : 5 obsession : 5 skills ST : 4 (10) HP : 3 (6) rough cooking : 2 (3) botanical sketching : 1 (1) equipement : bag (2/10) : small pick (x) small knife (x) basic food rations (1) 1.5 m bandage (1) --- Jess: Zuen, boy, 12 HP: 9 ST: 7 HU: 5 O: 5 Skills: Unarmed: 3 Cooking: 1 Skills: (+1) Unarmed - 3 Health - 4 Stam - 2 Rough Cooking - 1 1 x rations (200) 1 x pick (100) 1 x 1.5m bandage (100) 1 x salve (100)