Critical Chance choices (beginning of the session?) 18 -> 2x 19 -> 3x 20 -> 4x, extra effect ability point feat purchasing (combat abilities) -double attack? -cleave? -dodge roll random ideas: Ecosystems Anatomy Botany Zoology Geology Willpower Cooking Bartering Rumors Inspiration Deception Persuasion Intuition Humanity -> inhuman actions Fear? -> I like this idea Hiding a relic you're not supposed to have? Adrenaline Junkie -> boosts from fear? Medicine Cartographer Art survival skills Forgetful allergies paranoid? partially blind or deaf? cowardly / brave Camping? fatigue impacting carrying space? high rank players recovering low rank artifacts don't gain skill points crude, rough, normal, fine, master (item/equipment ranks?) grade 4, grade 3, grade 2, grade 1, special grade, aubade > rolling a number, adding something like "luck", idk, and divide by 10. That would give you a number of rolls on a loot table. Could you add new stats other than the base stats using skills? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Base Stats: - Health -> 0 is death - Stamina -> needed to move (and search for relics?), 0 means you need to rest - Humanity -> making humane choices, impacts artefact behavior - Obsession -> impacts artefact behavior Game Loop: - retrieve relics, sell relics, gain skill points, 20 goto 10 finding a relic: - consumes a stamina point - roll on a chance table? Possible Missions: - Retrieve artifacts, bring them to the surface - Take missions, like cartography tasks, biological surveys, etc. - Cook, food hunter - Bodyguard - Lead, command, encyclopedic memory? how does the curse work? - drop humanity value - impact health and stamina - impact humanity and obsession at deeper layers triangular skill costs? (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, etc.) - start the game with 20 points? - choose up to 5 skills at the start? Inventory has 10 slots - Both equipment and artifacts take up space in the bag - Bulky items take up two slots, petty items take up none - Can theoretically ditch equipment for valuable artifacts... How does combat/skill checks work? - High lethality with permadeath? - Reward creativity (advantage/disadvantage?) - crit ranges - some skills/equipment grant additional options - "exert" - spend 1 stamina to reroll once, taking the new result ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TODO LIST