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45 lines
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extends CharacterBody2D
const MAGNET_FORCE: int = 1000
@export var acceleration: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
func _ready():
max_slides = 1
func _physics_process(delta):
acceleration = Vector2()
#calc acceleration to other magnets
for iter in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("magnets"):
if iter == self:
var dir: Vector2 = (iter.position - position).normalized()
var dist: float = (iter.position - position).length()
acceleration += dir * (MAGNET_FORCE / dist)
#if moving, rotate to face that direction
if velocity >= Vector2.ONE:
var dest: float = acceleration.angle() + TAU/4
var change: float = dest - rotation
var decimal: float = change - snapped(change, 1)
print (change, " : ", 1 - decimal)
#rotate faster when closer to 0
rotate(lerp(0.0, change, 1 - decimal) * delta)
#NOTE: this doesn't work the way I want it to ;_;
#apply to velocity
velocity += acceleration * delta
#move and stop on collision
var collided: bool = move_and_slide()
if collided:
velocity = Vector2.ZERO